danni · @lilgayunicorn

4th JAN 2016 from TwitLonger

re: THAT blind item.

So we all saw THIS BLIND ITEM last month...

okay. so. i wasn't going to post this, but i sort of ... can't not. I know for a F A C T this is fiona wolfmeyer and gaelle chazel -- I mean, okay it probably wasn't that hard to figure out, but bear with me. It's story time.

My roommate is a stand-in on Girl On the Train (i won't say who she's a stand in for, because I don't want to get her into trouble), so I was naturally privy to a LOT of her stories from set. Of course, I didn't care about much else than these two goddesses, so I would ignore most of her other stories and pry about how they were on set. What can I say? I'm super gay and I LOVE LOVE. so my heart is a little broken ... but we'll get to that.

APPARENTLY, when things first started on set, they were STUPID cute around each other. they always sat next to each other when they were on set together (which I know was probably pretty rare? but whatever, journey with me here.) and they always brought each other coffee and ate lunch together -- which is a stupid thing to get emotional about, yet here i am. We all know that hair & makeup on set is the most gossipy -- and I guess Fiona was talking about them living together???? oh my god. So it was all GOLDEN and cute and ridiculous in the beginning -- but from the way my roommate describes it, things started to get increasingly tense when they were around each other on set. Like, not right away, but every so often she'd notice they didn't really talk to each other all that much between takes, and they visited less.

Now I know that could just be reading too much into things -- but apparently the vibe on set was really really tense toward the end of the shoot? They weren't shooting many scenes together by that point anymore, but some highly emotional stuff -- apparently they could be sitting right next to each other and not even talk to each other, and I HEARD (through the grapevine) that one of them (i don't know which, probably fiona lbr) snapped about needing to take a few minutes to get her head on straight before going back to a scene. I know the material is a little intense but it's not like you're doing Sophie's Choice here, people. From the sound of it, a lot of people were noting how tense things were between Fiona and Gaelle -- and they weren't taking lunches together at all anymore. There was talk that Gaelle wasn't staying with Fiona anymore -- but who knows?

Sadly, that's the last I heard of it. Obviously as soon as they wrapped, any and all information sort of died with it ... and I'm just anxiously checking my google alerts JUST IN CASE. I guess, since they never actually confirmed their relationship in so many words, we shouldn't expect any announcement here either -- but I wanted to give the full story AS I KNOW it anyway. Take it with a grain of salt because this is all second-hand from on set stuff. But there you have it. I'm going to go cry and watch Carol again.

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